Real time statistics in our powerful reporting suite
or through the API.
30 days free trial
Sign UpYour affiliate statistics are pulled in from all your active networks, within a few minutes of them becoming available.
There's no need for any manual action - your stats are always up to date, across the board.
Data is consolidated and presented in a uniform way, so you can focus on your business and not on each network's reporting quirks.
Gain an instant overview of your day to day performance, with near real time stats, synced automatically 24 hours a day.
Pivot your reporting on network, account or advertiser, filtering or exporting your results as you wish.
Your data is your data, so we've provided an API, allowing you to pull your stats into your own reporting backend.
Ideal for cashback services and any organisation with unique needs for reporting, essentially offering an affiliate reporting gateway to all the networks at once, through a single API.